Who is magician, Steve Hart
My 35 years plus experience as a professional magician...
It all began, Christmas of 1963 I got my first magic kit. I practiced, read all of the books I could get my hands on as I began my studies in the art of magic. By the time I was age 14 I entered an International Magic Contest and I took first prize. But growing up in the cornfield’s of Indiana…I was told that I had to get a real job and magic would only be a good hobby.
It wasn’t until 1983 after graduating from college and getting married with three children that I decided I could be a full time magician. I had left my job as a salesman…and I was doing everything I knew to make a living as a magician. I was struggling but I felt a deep sense of purpose and the desire to entertain people with my magic.
I auditioned for a job as the resident magician for the “Indianapolis Union Train Station Festival Market Place” where I worked for the next three years. I was paid an hourly wage plus what ever tips I could make while performing my magic shows as an atmosphere performer. It was there that I learned how to hold an audience, develop routines and be creative as a magician.
I opened a magic shop Indianapolis and in a couple of other locations. At the same time I was working a Magic Night Club called “Illusions” the magical dinning experience. I worked there for 10 years with several other magicians at the dining tables and on stage in the lounge.
I was also hired to create a weekly TV show, the “Wacky Magic Cartoon Club” for a cable TV station which aired for year all over Indiana.
It was during this time that I was learning everything I could be a successful entertainer. I started speaking to business groups with my “Motivational Magic.” I worked sales meetings, trade shows and corporate training programs. I have made big money (Over six figures a year.) and I have learned how to live on very little money and still be happy. I believe, “Wealth is not just in the money you make it is in the joy of doing what you love to do.”
I began to create and produce my own magic tricks and magic lectures as I traveled around the country selling and teaching my magic to other magicians including at the famous “Magic Castle” in Hollywood, California, where I lectured and performed five weekly engagements in the Parlour of Prestidigitation.
I was invited to perform for the Looney’s Tunes “Big Red Boat” Premier cruise line out of Port Canaveral, Florida for several months during a three year period and I eventually moved to Florida where I now live.
In 2001, I was awarded the “Comedy Excellence Award” at the International Battle of Magicians and in 2009, after working with International Brotherhood of Magician as a board member of the executive board and the head of membership, I was given the “Order of Merlin” award.
I created my own On-Line training and several live seminars in Florida and around the country for other magicians teaching the secrets of speaking and performing as a “Motivational Magician.”
After being certified by the Life Coach Institute, I work with other magicians as a “Life Coach”. I use several powerful “Self-Discovery Tools” to help other magicians discover their strengths and to get what they want. Most of my coaching is “one on one” around the country using video conference calling on the Internet.
I have created and sold several magic effects. My most famous effect is the comedy burnt shoe trick, called “Wiz Kote” produced by George Kimmery of Chalet Magic. This effect was commissioned by me and featured in Lance Burton’s second TV Special. A list of the other magic products I have created can be viewed at magic2motivate.com
Today I am collecting all my ideas which I have shelved over the years and I am now up-dating them, producing them and putting out into the magic market for other magicians to enjoy and profit from. Meanwhile, I am enjoying my life here on the Space Coast of Florida as my mind goes to work creating new ideas in magic and at the same time Coaching other magicians on Motivational Magic, Performance and Personal Development.
You can follow me on Facebookat https://www.facebook.com/stevenlhart
magic2motivate - Motivational Magic
In the late 80’s I was studying the teachings of Napoleon Hill’s book “Think and Grow Rich”. It didn’t take long before I was asked to present a program at a Chamber of Commerce illustrating what I had learned with my magic.